I have a bachelor's degree in Social Science/Social Studies from the University of California, Irvine. I started this page so that people whom I have not seen in a long time can refer to it to catch up on what I've been up to. However, if you're one of those people that likes to read about other people's lives, that's also fine.
Disclaimer for the journal: I will tend to write some really unpleasant, and perhaps disturbing entries at times. If you are easily offended, or just don't like reading this type of stuff, do not click here. You've been forewarned.
Read my online journal by clicking here. Updated September 14, 2008.
This is what I think about the movies that I have seen recently. Updated April 27, 2008.
Every personal webpage has a list of links, and mine is no exception. Click here for my links page. Updated May 14, 2008.
Here's a glimpse of what my resume looks like.
Click here to access the archives.
Check out my first web page that I created for my Computer Science class by clicking here.
Note about my first web page: I am no longer a dj for KUCI. I'm unable to continue doing that because of graduation. I did leave under very good terms with the station, and consider them like my second family over at my old campus. I heartily encourage you to give it a listen by clicking here.